Proactive Tips To Help Homeowners Before The Flood Hits

When a homeowner notices their basement is often moist or humid, it’s important to take steps in eliminating these conditions so mold does not settle into the area. There are several ways to handle basement waterproofing to help maintain a drier atmosphere. Calling a company to assist with these tasks is often desirable for a homeowner if they are not sure of the methods to use to get desired results. Here are a few tips to use for drying out a basement before calling a professional to help.

It is a good idea to have a sump pump installed in the basement to help remove moisture if it becomes abundant. This is a piece of machinery that will redirect the water to the outdoors if a flood situation occurs. This can be easily installed by a contractor and will give the homeowner the peace of mind that the room will remain dry as a result.

Adding sealant to the walls and floor of a basement will help keep moisture from sneaking in through cracks. This material is easily applied using a roller or paintbrush and will block the entry of moisture well. Sealants are also infused into crevices around piping to keep moisture from getting into the area.

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Placing a vapor barrier on walls of the basement can also aid in moisture removal. These plastic sheets are placed over the insulation under drywall. The drywall is then replaced. The moisture will stay on the outside of the barrier, keeping the interior of the basement dry as a result.

It is a good idea to use a dehumidifier as part of a basement waterproofing regimen. This will grab moisture from the air and collect it in a bin in the unit. If a dehumidifier is not obtainable, adding bowls of charcoal, cedar chips, or cat litter in the area will also help remove moisture from the air.

If someone needs help with waterproofing their basement, calling a service to help can be beneficial. They will have the right tools needed to thwart the growth of basement mold, keeping the area dry and comfortable instead.